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    What It Is

    Blockchain is a new way of storing data in a distributed ledger that allows multiple stakeholders to confidently and securely share access to the same information.
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    Why It Matters

    Blockchain technology provides new infrastructure to build the next innovative applications beyond cryptocurrencies, driving profound, positive changes across business, communities and society.
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    Where It's Going

    Blockchain will supercharge artificial intelligence and IoT to make everything from supply chains to digital identity management smarter and more secure.
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The (R)Evolution of money II Blockchain empowered CBDC

Tokenization and decentralization are critical to meet new demands for money and efficient payment systems in national and international transactions.

Central bank digital currency has been actively explored to prove security, scalability and resiliency of the systems and technology.

As key monetary innovators, Central Banks can create better performing, more resilient payment architectures by leveraging new technology.

Why Blockchain should be powering your digital factory

Manufacturers face a critical inflection point today, as the pressure to launch revenue-driving innovations collides with the need to boost the speed, scale, and simplicity of operations. Digital can help. However, according to Northlance research, most companies invest in digital in a piecemeal fashion. Only 13 percent of companies are exploiting digital for greater efficiency as well as new growth.1 It’s a tricky balancing act, and one of the big reasons manufacturers are embracing the concept of the digital factory. Leveraging multiple new technologies in innovative ways, the digital factory is poised to revolutionize the way a manufacturer manages production—driving significant operational improvements.

Blockchain can help make the digital factory more collaborative and secure—both key to the digital factory’s effectiveness. Blockchain is a unique distributed database that maintains data in a way that allows multiple stakeholders to confidently and securely share access to it. By using Blockchain, manufacturers can boost data security and integrity, reduce data reconciliation efforts, eliminate disputes, and enable automation and real-time transaction processing via smart contracts.